Ana. In Fire and Flame.

I love Amsterdam homes and I love my friends. So when I go visit them see how their personality extends to the space they live in, I can hardly stay away from the camera.

Ana is one of my muses. It is absolutely effortless to take good photos of her. I went to her place Tuesday after work. She waited for me with dinner, then we had coffee and chocolate on her sunny balcony in Amsterdam West. On sounds of fado from her mother country, we moved from one room to the other, taking photos of her in what she referred to as homey circumstances. “This is where I stay when I write,” she said and positioned herself at the window. “Do you know what <in flaam and vuur staan> means?” she said later, sitting on the floor and opening a notebook. “Yeah, it means to stay in fire and flame,” I said. “Yes, I love this.” Then she recited a poem she had written for a past lover. And we went on like this. “This is a photo of my grandmother. This is a book of fairy tales. I love fairy tales.”

Thank you, Ana, for being such a good host and such an inspiring friend!